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                                DWCOMM MAIN MENU

When DWCOMM is run a menu will pop up.  This is the command menu.  For first
time operation, select the C)onfigure selection, and verify or change the
fields as necessary (see the configuration section below).

Buffer - Entering a "B" will switch the capture buffer on and off.  The capture
         buffer name is in the configuration menu.  Note that the ANSI
         sequences will be included in the file, so to view the capture file
         later will require a DOS type command, or an ANSI editor.

Config - Configure the com program for the correct com port, speed, capture
         filename, number to dial, and modem initialization string.  Press
         ESC to exit.  Upon exiting you will receive the options of quitting
         without saving new configuration information, exiting and saving the
         information, or continueing with the configuration. Switch between
         TOUCH TONE and PULSE dialing by entering an ALT T and ALT P.

Dial   - Dial the number from the configuration file.  If the number is blank
         DWCOMM will ask for the number to dial.  To abort enter ESC.

Init   - Initialize the modem by sending it the initialization string from
         the configuration file.  This function is called automatically when
         the program is first brought up.

Receive- Run the batch file DWR.BAT.  This batch file should be set up to
         allow the transfer protocol of choice to be run.  The included batch
         file is to use DSZ for ZMODEM.

Send   - Run the batch file DWS.BAT.  This batch file should be set up to
         allow the transfer protocol of choice to be run.  The included batch
         file is to use DSZ for ZMODEM.

Term   - Terminal mode. This mode is entered automatically after a Dial also.
         When in this mode all keystrokes go to the modem, and all characters
         received from the modem will be displayed.  ANSI is emulated.  To
         return to the MENU press both SHIFT keys at once.

Xfer   - Xfer using DWXFER.  This will bring up the DWXFER window, allowing
         you to use this windowed interface for transferring files.

Quit   - Quit DWCOMM and return to DOS.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson